How Tos

How Tos2010-08-13T15:39:46+00:00

Promotional Products How Tos

There are many things to consider when customizing promotional products. If you’re here, you most likely have your company logo and branding idea in mind. You might have even chosen which type of promo items you’d like to order (if not, we invite you to check out our buying guides). The How To section of our Education Center is here to help explain certain details for certain promotional products. You’ll learn things like what type of printing methods are available, how to best display your logo, or how to maximize your budget regardless of how big or small it is. Learn all about how to make an impression for you brand with promotional items.

How to Start an Apparel Program for Your Employees

Supplying employees with high-quality, custom corporate apparel can be a time-consuming task, especially if your business or organization has hundreds of employees and multiple locations. An employee apparel program simplifies and streamlines the otherwise confusing process of creating and distributing [...]

By |November 11th, 2022|Categories: Apparel, Branding Ideas, How-Tos|